Rudy Wilson
Rudy Wilson

 es docente de Servicios de protección y seguridad y Seguridad Nacional en el Centro Job Corps de Tulsa. Rudy cuenta con más de 28 años de experiencia en la industria de la seguridad con y sin portación de armas, incluidos muchos años en el ejército de los Estados Unidos como oficial de policía militar. Además de sus conocimientos militares y de seguridad, Rudy tiene extensos conocimientos sobre la certificación Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (Consejo sobre la capacitación y la educación de los agentes del orden público, CLEET) del estado de Oklahoma.


Servicios de seguridad y protección avanzados

Security and Protective Services

En el trabajo ...

  • Protegerá la propiedad y hará cumplir las reglas. 

  • Disuadirá actividades delictivas. 

  • Monitoreará alarmas y cámaras de seguridad. 

  • Hará controles de seguridad en un área de vigilancia asignada. 

Algunas de las opciones de carreras profesionales que tendrá son ...

Los graduados de Servicios de Seguridad y Protección con frecuencia van a trabajar para compañías de seguridad privadas que hacen contratos con empresas que requieren instalaciones seguras. El personal de seguridad proporciona vigilancia las 24 horas trabajando en turnos de ocho horas o más con horarios rotativos. Este trabajo a menudo requiere que trabaje por las noches y los fines de semana, con oportunidades a tiempo parcial y completo. 

Este es el primer nivel de capacitación básica ofrecido en la serie de seguridad. Una vez completada la capacitación básica, los estudiantes también deberían considerar la posibilidad de cursar el programa de Servicios de Seguridad y Protección Avanzados (Advanced Security and Protective Services) en Job Corps como parte de su trayectoria profesional.   

Las credenciales que obtendrá ...

 Como estudiante de Job Corps, tendrá la oportunidad de obtener credenciales en su área de capacitación que puede llevar a mejores oportunidades de trabajo, salarios más altos y ascensos.  

Los estudiantes también deben obtener un permiso de aprendizaje y una licencia de conducir emitidos por el estado al finalizar el programa. 

Lo que necesitará para empezar la capacitación ...

  • Tener al menos 18 años. 

  • No tener antecedentes penales. 

  • Tener un título de escuela secundaria o un equivalente (puede obtenerse en todos los centros Job Corps). 

  • Completar todos los cursos introductorios y de preparación profesional. 

  • Aprobar todas las pruebas escritas y de rendimiento. 

  • Cumplir los requisitos académicos (matemáticas y lectura). 

  • Cumplir con los requisitos estatales, que pueden implicar una comprobación de antecedentes penales y la realización de un programa de formación que cumpla los requisitos federales de contenido. 


ES Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

ha trabajado como docente de Servicios de protección y seguridad en el Centro Job Corps de Laredo por más de 5 años. Trabajó como agente del orden público por más de 28 años. Disfruta de la enseñanza y de desafiar a los estudiantes para que den lo mejor y que siempre den un paso más allá. Joe se enorgullece del hecho de que el 99,9 % de los estudiantes que han tomado su clase han aprobado con éxito.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 


Joe A. Lopez - Security and Protective Services - Laredo Job Corps Center

Joe A. Lopez
Joe A. Lopez

has served as a Security and Protective Services instructor at Laredo Job Corps Center for five years. He has been in law enforcement for over 28 years. He enjoys teaching and challenging students to do their best and to always take one step further. Joe is proud of the fact that he has successfully passed 99.9% of students who have taken his class.


Security and Protective Services

Security and Protective Services

On the job, you will ...

  • Protect and enforce rules on the property 

  • Deter criminal activity 

  • Monitor alarms or surveillance cameras 

  • Conduct security checks at assigned patrol area 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Security and Protective Services graduates often go on to work for private security companies that contract with businesses requiring secure facilities. Security personnel provide surveillance around the clock by working in eight-hour shifts or longer with rotating schedules. This job often requires working nights and weekends, with part-time and full-time opportunities. 

Students should also consider pursuing Advanced Security and Protective Services at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages and promotions.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Be at least 18 years old 

  • Have a clean criminal record 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Homeland Security

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following homeland security areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Homeland Security
URL Path
Short Description

Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Homeland Security
Security and Protective Services
National Rate Max Value

Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de EE. UU.

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de departamento de Seguridad Nacional de EE. UU. . Empieza hoy mismo. 

Hero Image
Homeland security hero image
Homeland Security
Icon Color
Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de EE. UU.
URL Path
Short Description

Servicios de seguridad y protección avanzados. Protegerá la propiedad y hará cumplir las reglas. 

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Header - Meet your instructors
Hero Image
Meet your instructors
Conoce a tus instructoras / instructores
Academic Skills Instructor